Sound signals play a key role in boat navigation. In fact, they are one of the approved types of navigation aid used throughout the United States. Sound signals are effective even in poor visibility and at a distance. However, their use is restricted to specific situations, and boaters must know how to correctly use and … Read more ›
If you are boating on a small local pond or other less frequented location, you may not see navigation aids in the area. However, if you take to the water on a larger lake, channel or other busy waterway, you definitely need to know what navigation aids are, how they work and what they mean. … Read more ›
Planing hulls are designed to allow a vessel to rise up and glide on top of the water at higher speeds. They differ from displacement hulls, which always push through the water. Planing hulls are most often found on: Powerboats Speedboats Sport boats Some fishing boats Personal watercraft (PWC) Some small sailboats Key features of … Read more ›
A Type IV PFD is a throwable flotation device designed to be thrown to a person in distress in the water. Unlike other types of PFDs, Type IV devices are not meant to be worn on the body. They are specifically created to provide immediate buoyancy to a person who may be drowning or unable to swim to safety. About the United States Coast Guard PFD classification … Read more ›
Boat collisions are just as dangerous as car accidents. According to the United States Coast Guard, between 9 and 110 people die in a boat accidents every month. The most dangerous time of year to be out on the water is between October and January. Primary Contributing Factors to Collisions: U.S.C.G (2023) Collision factor … Read more ›
Boat speed limits vary widely throughout the United States, not only between states but also within states. The appropriate speed for boating depends on location (specific bodies of water have unique limits), the time of day, and how close you are to shore or other vessels. It can also depend on the type of boat, … Read more ›
Always check the weather forecast before heading out on the water via the local radio station or coast guard. If there is severe weather brewing, or a small craft advisory in effect, stay on shore! Sometimes, a storm can take you by surprise. That’s why you need to be prepared. Now is your chance to … Read more ›
Anchoring your boat may seem simple, but there are a few things you need to know to get it right. If you don’t learn the proper steps, you risk capsizing, damaging your boat, or finding yourself adrift even though you thought you were securely anchored. How to anchor your boat: the basics There’s nothing … Read more ›
Keep reading to find answers to all your questions about state boating cards, certificates, licenses and courses. Meeting your state’s requirements is probably easier than you think! What’s a boater card for? A boater card demonstrates that the operator understands safe boating practices and regulations in their state and across the USA. You have … Read more ›
Buoys, beacons and markers are types of navigation aids, also called Aids to Navigation or ATONs. They are the boating equivalent of road signs: human-made objects that can be used to determine safe course and follow the rules while driving a vessel. Here we’ll break down the difference between lateral and non-lateral markers, and … Read more ›